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John Smith Aug TOTM - WEBSITE

John Smyth- August Temp of the Month

Q - What’s your background?
A - I was a contracts manager for 12 years working on rail projects and telecoms.

Q - How did you get into temping?
A - I had just finished up with a company I was with for 17 years and wanted to work for myself. Brightwater offered me the chance to work on projects for a semi state company. 

Q - Do you think temping is beneficial in an engineering environment?
A - Yes, it gives access to a large pool of talent and opportunities.

Q - Do you find temping flexible?
A -  Yes as it lets you do other things.

Q - Has temping provided you with a quicker avenue to long term work? 
A - Yes it gives you a chance to learn the systems in a company.

Q - Do you feel temping could benefit your career? 
A - Absolutely - it could lead to long term work

Q - Do you feel you have to worry about the long term prospects of temping?
A - Lack of security on how long the works last

Q - What has been your experience of temping with Brightwater?
A - Very good support, money paid on time, office easy to deal with.

Q - Do you get paid on time on a consistent basis?
A - Yes, never a issue.

Q - If you have a problem, do you have access to a Brightwater consultant or a member of the accounts team? 
A - Yes, all very fair to deal with.

Q - Would you approach it differently now you’ve been through the other side?
A - Yes by all means.

John Smyth - Temp of the Month

We recruit for Temporary & Contract across the following specialisms:

- Accountancy
- Business Support
- Engineering
- Finance
- Human Resources
- IT

To view our Temporary & Contract jobs, click here.

If you feel that temporary work is right for you or your organisation, call our Dublin team on 01-6621000 or our Cork team on 021-422-1000.

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