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Marketing Always At The Helm

20 Aug 2020


We take a look at how Covid-19 has pushed marketing to the top of every business' priority list and how the job has changed focus to cope with the new normal.

The global pandemic has shone a spotlight on the marketing sector, placing digital strategy on every board’s agenda. Some jobs in the sector have understandably been scaled back but for the most part, marketing teams have been mainly restructured to reflect the new reality and the resulting demands. Sea-changes in consumer buying preferences, shifts in media consumption as well as concerns over supply shortages, business closures and economic turbulence mean that all areas of business have been fundamentally changed.

As the Covid-19 pandemic swept the globe, marketing professionals rose to the challenge, adapting to working remotely while planning scenarios for altered landscapes and ramping up messaging across different industry verticals. Brands, whilst realigning around purpose (not only in this time of a global pandemic but also in the face of global diversity issues) also need to be conscious of any perception that could see them as taking advantage. The agility and sensitivity to understand the rapidly changing situation and respond appropriately was and remains a key issue in every marketing strategy. The onus is on marketers to plan for multiple different outcomes. Even now, as the prospect of a second lockdown looms, marketing teams are re-adjusting their strategies. This is the time for creativity, collaboration and communication, all areas in which marketers excel.

Marketing activity changes

Marketing strategies have changed massively in the last few months. We have witnessed changing behaviours amongst our clients across a variety of sectors including the following:

  • Focusing on brand-building campaigns rather than short-term sales
  • Switching marketing spend to campaigns that drive online sales
  • Focusing on smart changes for sponsorship deals, particularly within sporting activities
  • Data analysis and tracking of buying habits
  • Being mindful of consumer spending and focusing on promotion of every day products rather than premium, particularly within the grocery area
  • Re-adjusting media spending habits / budgets across different media channels
  • Getting involved in pivoting of services / products
  • Focusing on customer service; offering support and information
  • Collaboration with HR teams on internal communications

The jobs market for marketing professionals

The demand for marketing professionals at all levels still exists. Since March, Brightwater’s Marketing division has recruited on behalf of clients across financial services, fintech, retail and hospitality as those sectors adapt to our new Covid reality. The majority of marketing jobs are happening in the digital space; around content, social media and data analytics. Data analytics and SEO particularly are rich sources of business intelligence for organisations who are not only seeking to respond effectively to the immediate market but also want to plan for growth post pandemic. Experience in video editing and management of social media channels are also key for employers looking to make additional hires for their marketing teams. Companies are looking for professionals who are able to collaborate with other departments such as HR and Sales and who can understand the different requirements of each department in driving campaigns. Other vital skills include commercial awareness, influencing, excellent communication skills as well as creative and visual flair.

Looking towards the future

Marketing professionals have to be more forward thinking than ever in the wake of Covid-19. Strategic thinking, being pro-active along with the ability to pivot campaigns quickly are all things that employers need from their marketing department in this unprecedented and ever-changing environment.

Sarah MacNulty is Principal Consultant with Brightwater’s Marketing division and recruits marketing professionals of all levels across a range of industries. If you would like to have a confidential conversation with her, please contact her by email [email protected]  at + 353 1 5927 7876