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Liz MacHale - April Temp of the Month

Q - What is your background?
A - Life insurance administration

Q -  How did you get into temping?
A - I was originally looking for a permanent role and than I got the opportunity to work on a temporary basis and accepted it. 

Q - Did you ever think you would be in a job like this? 
A -
 No, my initial goal was a permanent role.

Q - What do you enjoy about temping? 

A - I really enjoy meeting new people, getting to learn new skills as well as how challenging and fast pasted temping is.

Q - How do you deal with the uncertainty of work? 
A - I do my best at work and see what is around the corner!

Q - What do you think when you look back at yourself before temping? 
A -  I have definitely gain more confidence and self-assurance.

Q - How did you become aware of Brightwater temping? 
A - A permanent consultant propose this as an option to explore

Q - Have you enjoyed the temping process with Brightwater
A - I have, Brightwater got me a job in a week after registering.

Q - What have you learn from temping? 
A - I have learnt new skills, being more open to new challenges. It defiantly boosted my confidence.

Q - What did you learn about yourself from temping ? 
A - I have found more resources in myself than I realised before and to not be afraid to ask questions.

Q - What has been your experience of temping before Brightwater?
A - I did not have much experience in temping.

Q - Why do you like working as a temp for Brightwater? 
A - I was provided with efficient service, helpful and consultants open to dialog.

Q - Is temping an easy job? 
A - No, it is challenging, it ca be a bit stressful.

Q - How do the common misconceptions around temping influence who applies? 
A  - I think some people do not take temp jobs serious enough, but every temp job might lead to permanency and definitely allows to learn new skills, software, new work environment. 

Q - Who should apply for a temp role? 
A - Definitely, people who are looking for their career path, students or people getting back to work after longer break. 

Q - What do you need to succeed in a temp role? 
A -Be open minded, adaptable, fast learner, enjoy interaction with new people.

Liz MacHale- Temp of the Month

We recruit for Temporary & Contract across the following specialisms:

- Accountancy
- Business Support
- Finance
- Human Resources
- IT

To view our Temporary & Contract jobs, click here.

If you feel that temporary work is right for you or your organisation, call our Dublin team on 01-6621000 or our Cork team on 021-422-1000.

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