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Carlos - Website QNA
Q - What was your background prior to temping with Brightwater? 
A - I've never worked as a Temp before. I knew how it worked but this was the first time.

Q - Had you considered temping as an option prior to it being suggested to you by Brightwater?
A - No. Brightwater was really helpful suggesting this option to me.

Q - How did your experience temping match up with what your recruiter geared you up to expect? 
A - Exceed my expectations. The communication between my recruiter, the company and myself was really great. All my doubts were sorted real fast.

Q - Temping can be viewed as uncertain or risky by candidates, but can also provide candidates with greater opportunities in exchange for their trust and flexibility. What advice would you give to someone who is unsure if temping is for them? 
A - Temping is a chance for you to show how dedicated you can be to fill the role. It is also a great opportunity to see if you will like to work for that company in that position. It's a win win opportunity that shouldn't be missed.

Q - Is there anything you feel we could do to improve the experience of temping for Brightwater or make it more efficient?
A - The experience for me was perfect. My recruiter was always talking to me, helping me through the whole process. It was really great!

 Carlos Eduardo Fernandes- Temp of the Month

We recruit for Temporary & Contract across the following specialisms:

- Accountancy
- Business Support
- Finance
- Human Resources
- IT

To view our Temporary & Contract jobs, click here.

If you feel that temporary work is right for you or your organisation, call our Dublin team on 01-6621000 or our Cork team on 021-422-1000.

Looking to hire in 2018? Take our Brightwater Temp Survey now!
click here.