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Seize The Season

12 Dec 2023

Jean O'Donovan

Why December is the best time to start your job hunt!

As the festive season kicks into high gear, many job seekers may be tempted to put their job search on hold, assuming that hiring slows down during December. However, contrary to popular belief, this festive month can be an opportune time to jumpstart or intensify your job hunt. In fact, gearing up for the job market in December can set you ahead of the curve and position you as a strong contender when 2024 arrives.

Companies Are Still Hiring:

Contrary to the misconception that hiring takes a hiatus during the holiday season, many companies continue to actively recruit in December. Some businesses aim to finalise their hiring budgets for the upcoming year, leading them to conduct interviews and extend job offers before January. By remaining engaged in your job search during this time, you increase your chances of catching the attention of employers who are eager to fill positions promptly.

Reduced Competition:

One of the key advantages of job hunting in December is the reduced competition. Many candidates suspend their job search activities, assuming that companies are not hiring during the holidays. This creates a unique window of opportunity for those who persevere. By maintaining your job search momentum, you'll face less competition, making it easier for your CV to stand out among a smaller pool of applicants.

Networking Opportunities at Holiday Events:

December is synonymous with festive gatherings, and these events can serve as valuable networking opportunities. Attend industry-specific holiday parties, professional meet-ups, or even casual gatherings with friends and acquaintances. Informal conversations can lead to unexpected job leads or introductions to key decision-makers. Use these events to leave a lasting impression that may lead to future job opportunities.

Year-End Budgets and Hiring Targets:

Companies often have annual budgets and hiring targets that they aim to achieve by the end of the fiscal year. December marks the last chance for businesses to meet these targets, and as a result, hiring managers may expedite the recruitment process. By actively applying for jobs and attending interviews during this time, you position yourself as an immediate solution to their hiring needs, making it more likely for employers to extend job offers before the new year.

New Year, New Opportunities:

As January approaches, many companies start the new year with a fresh outlook and strategic plans for growth. This often involves expanding their teams and hiring new talent. By preparing your job search materials, updating your CV, and fine-tuning your online professional presence in December, you position yourself to be among the first candidates considered when companies ramp up their hiring efforts in January.

Reflection and Resolution:

December is always a time for reflection and resolution setting. This introspective period extends to businesses as well. Employers evaluate their current workforce, identify areas for improvement, and set targets for the coming year. By aligning your skills and experiences with the requirements of potential employers, you increase your chances of being viewed as integral to their future success.

December is not a time for job seekers to hit the pause button on their job search but rather an opportunity to gain a competitive edge. Companies are still actively hiring, and the reduced competition during the holiday season can work to your advantage. Networking at holiday events, aligning yourself with year-end budgets, and positioning yourself for January's hiring surge are strategic moves that can significantly boost your chances of landing a new job. So, don't let the festive atmosphere lull you into complacency—seize the season and get ahead in your job search journey. Your next career opportunity could be just around the corner.