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5 Qualities of Good Administrative Assistants

25 Nov 2016

Karyn Glennon

Administrative assistants are the backbone to a business. Find out the qualities of good administrative assistants on our latest blog post.

Administrative assistants are the backbone of many organisations. Their support is paramount to a company’s success and the majority of their work is behind the scenes. PAs and executive assistants typically work very closely with chief executives, managers and directors and they play a key role in the day to day running of a business.

Qualities of exceptional administrative assistants:

Organisation- This could arguably be the most important skill for assistants to have. This isn’t a strength that everyone possesses and so if you wish to become an assistant, ensure that you are of the organised nature! Time management ties in with organisational skills and the ability to proportion your time effectively towards deadlines is vital.

Discretion- Working with executives, managers and directors will mean that you are likely to come in contact with sensitive and confidential matters whilst carrying out your daily tasks. It is really important that anything of a confidential manner remains confidential, after all it is confidential for a reason. It is vital that your employer knows they can trust you 100%.

Communication- This is a key skill working in any office environment. An assistant will be required to relay all information back in a very clear and concise manner. When taking minutes etc. it is imperative that there are no misinterpretations as this could lead to some serious errors along the way.

Technology- It is really important to be well versed in the latest technology available to your business. Word, Excel and Outlook proficiency are basic skills for administrators to possess. Being competent in knowing how to set up virtual meetings and how to navigate your way around social media networks etc. are skills that can make you stand out from the crowd.

Problem Solving- Problem solving, or critical thinking skills, are important for any administrative position. These are often the people that staff and clients come to with questions or problems. Administrators must be able to hear a variety of problems, and solve them using critical thinking.

An excellent administrative assistant embodies all the above mentioned traits and then some. It is a career that is both challenging and rewarding at the same time. Administrative work requires a sensational professional to truly stand out while being the glue that holds a team or enables the fluidity of the workflow.

If you’re interested in a career working as an administrative assistant, executive assistant, PA or secretary please get in touch with Karyn Glennon on 01- 6621000 or email [email protected]