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5 work habits to try in 2020

13 Jan 2020

With the New Year, there’s always a lot of talk about a “New You” and lots of resolutions that are usually not sustainable. Developing good habits around your work routine rather than trying to do everything at once will pay far more dividends in the long run. We’ve outlined 5 work habits you should try to form in 2020.

  1. Write your goals down

    Plan your goals and write them down, being realistic with them. What do you need to achieve your goals? Do you need to up-skill and if so, then research the courses you can do to succeed.  Writing your goals down will make them more real to you and you can constantly refer to them to monitor your progress and hold yourself accountable to those goals throughout the year.

    On a daily basis, at the end of the day, list out what you want /need to get done the following day so you can get straight into tasks every morning. A “To-Do” list will focus your attention on what has to be done. It will do wonders for your productivity.

  2. Develop a consistent routine

    The simple act of designating a particular hour within the working day to do mundane but mandatory tasks such as admin or follow up calls, will stand you in good stead. You’ll soon get into the habit of doing it and then it won’t pile up on you at the end of the week. Remember to be flexible if priorities change but still ensure you get the time in at some point during the day. This will make your working life so much easier and reduce last minute panic.

  3. Digital decluttering

    In this world of media at your fingertips, it’s so easy to get lost in constantly scrolling information and waste a few hours of the day on random accounts / stories. The start of the year is a great time to do a digital declutter. Clear out the unnecessary accounts or newsfeed alerts or at the very least block the alerts during work hours.

    Look at your goals again and see if there are social media accounts / news sites that would be beneficial to you in achieving your goals. Knowledge is a great thing but when there’s tonnes of it coming at you, you’re not going to absorb the right information and it also breaks your train of thought on your current task.

  4. Up-skilling

    There’s always time for improving your skills whether it’s a class-room situation in a part-time course or an online course. There is such a broad variety of qualifications at varying levels. Take a look at the courses that will improve your current skills as well as those that will give you the skills you want for a career move. Some organisations will also provide in-house courses so do have a conversation with your manager about what you want to do. 

  5. Wellness

    Whether it’s a consistent wake-up time or developing a regular exercise routine, personal wellness covers a lot of issues. Exercise in particular has been shown to be a form of anti-depressant. Employers are increasingly conscious of their employees’ health, physical and mental and are putting programmes in place to help. The “#100DaysofWalking” challenge by radio station Newstalk is just one of the initiatives that brings people together in challenges.

    It’s important also to take downtime for yourself in the evening or at weekends where possible so that you’re re-energised for the following week.

    Remember, promotions, career progression and work achievements don’t just happen. Everything you gain will be hard-earned. You’ll need to be hard-working and have a great attitude. That’s why sustaining good work habits is so vital for your career development!

    For further information and a confidential conversation about your career please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Brightwater team on

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